Planned Giving: Building a Legacy of Faith
Plan for Your Legacy
Stewardship is a way of life at Saint James Catholic Church, and our parishioners respond to the goodness God has shared with them with generosity that is expressed through time, talent, and treasure. To be good stewards, we must plan appropriately for how to continue our stewardship, even as our own earthly life ends. Planning is important to ensure that we are sharing the blessings we have accumulated during our lives. Appropriate planning requires us to consider how we intend to share our blessings and with whom.

“For where your treasure is,
There also will your heart be”
-Luke 12:34
Discover Your Giving Options
Saint James Catholic Church Endowment
This endowment was established to provide long-term financial security for the parish while supporting its mission. It is meant to grow the fund’s principal while generating income yearly from the interest. There is no limit to the number of donors who may contribute to the fund, and gifts of any size are encouraged. The fund has been established with the Central Kentucky Community Foundation and will remain within its management.
Saint James Catholic School Tuition Assistance Fund
This fund provides scholarship assistance in the form of grants to help offset the cost of a Catholic education for students at Saint James Catholic School (SJS) using the following criteria:
- Students must be planning to attend SJS
- Students must be qualified to attend SJS based on all other requirements for admission
- Students must demonstrate a desire and financial need to achieve their educational goals
Grants can be used to help defray the full cost, or any portion of the cost, of any or all of the following:
- Tuition
- Academic fees
- Any required items payable direct to SJS
Bequest Through a Will
You may choose to continue your stewardship by including Saint James Catholic Church or School in your will in one of the following ways:
- A specific dollar amount
- A percentage of the value of the estate or the estate’s residue
- Real estate or personal property
- Stocks or securities
- Insurance or retirement plan beneficiary – Saint James Catholic Church or School may be named the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan such as an IRA, 401k, or 403b plan
You should always seek the services of an attorney, accountant, or other qualified professional when preparing a will, trust, or estate plan. They will be able to help you determine the gift method that will maximize the benefits for both you and the beneficiary of your gift.

Confidential Request for Information
Click below to fill out the form. (Optional)
For Questions Contact:
Scott Johnson
Saint James Catholic Church
(270) 765-6268 ext. 509
Jennifer Moran
Saint James Catholic School
(270) 765-7011 ext. 110